animated image of penis erecting- only penis tip is visible as rest obscured with banner

Harper Capability In Action – the Health Erection – Visible for all


The purpose of these images is to convey the power of my 1:1 Erection Coaching to you:

  • to ‘tune in’ to your virilty
  • to use muscle power
  • to use brain plasticity
  • to enrich your whole life


Pages requiring the password

Faith in My Ability to Coach Your Penis HARDer Video speeded up video of erection coach gaining hands free erections on command in animation

Go to full length: Hands Free, Erection on Command Videos

Go to Images of the p in the word harper rotates 180 degrees to become a d and therefore now reads harderCapability

Password for Login to view Coaching

The password for all Coaching Pages at Penis Worship Audios and Harder Erection Video Guide is given to you, along with your username, when you become a Member

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