erect penis showing flow of colour into it - to represent training inputs including the metaphysical for erection mastery

Your Virility Matters!

→ I can rotate parts of your character – and your erections will be harder.

The first part of your character to be rotated is: to be receptive to the idea that your mind can get control of your erections.

Secondly to adopt a different mindset regarding your virility, using cutting edge training techniques for new neural pathways to grow, for you to get control of your physical body through a variety of means, to let more blood flow into your penis.

You need faith in my ability to gain this capability for you. If you have any doubts I urge you to contact me with your question – silence may let your future virilty suffer – whereas…

….communication with me will give you Erection Mastery.

On Commmand

Gain a Hands free erection – on demand – soft to hard in 10 seconds. I demonstrate and Instruct you how to do this. All images and videos at ‘In Action” are taken from my coaching videos in: HARDer Erection Video Guide wher I lead by example…

harper Man in style of vitruvian man

Overcome ED

Coaching in physical and psychological aspects ensures you can overcome any erection problems or erectile dysfunction.

man in a field with trousers pulled down - so smiling excitedly but with text covering his penis

Virility / Fulfillment

Coaching for how you feel as a man, maybe it all starts and possibly ends with your penis… or does it?

2 Mins a day

Designed for the busiest of men – 2 to 5 mins a day is all you need – with additional practice time designed to fit into your everyday (whilst clothed and in public) So much involves the mind – and no one will know what you’re thinking, or the muscles you’re contracting in your perineum)

This additional practice time (even for a few seconds) here and there in your everyday will become something pleasureable.

Coaching You – Naturally

erection research logo - gold erect penis with balls under

Audio, Video & Personal 1:1

This is a personal service – I am your personal coach – a format that works.

Two decades of providing Online Video & In Person Training are condensed into one great membership. Work indepenently with the Audios and Videos where I guide you online, then book your personal 1:1 coaching session to focus upon the erection training / maleness / sexualness elements that you need, as the individual that you are, to increase your Male Function.

Maleness Management

Porn management perhaps may be of interest?

Ejaculation control (Edging) – a great Erection Training Partner -⚠️side effect: euphoria.

man unbuttoned jeans gesturing with hand

Overcoming Erection Problems

With so many inputs into the erection process – which one do you need to strengthen. Here are a just a few categories:

  • Mindset
  • Male Identity
  • Other Psycological
  • Nerve Control
  • Pelvic Floor Muscles aka (Erection Muscle)
  • Blood Flow
  • Testosterone

With many different ways to strengthen all above, it’s not just which one you need to strengthen, but how to do it effectively – to not delay gaining great erection results. I’ll tell you one easy way to know when it is the right exercise / technique for you.

erection coach naked with text covering erect penis and clothed

Choose Your Coaching Support

→ Overcoming Erectile Dysfunction cannot always be achieved on your own, it can be complex – knowing if you need to address the psychological, or the physical or perhaps both. Once you become a the p in the word harper rotates 180 degrees to become a d and therefore now reads harderMember – I am here to guide/support you.

→ Intrigued to see how hard you can be?Involves predominantly a physical element – but bearing in mind this is all controlled by your mind – to not train your mind means missing out on up to 50% of the gains you can expect. The best way to do this is with…

….an open communication with me either as your:

  • Coach – for training guidance
  • penisBuddy – for chat, support, motivation.

You choose one or the other depending upon the support you want at any time.

What is The Harper Capability?

Harper Capability is:

→ Finding the switch that activates your penile blood flow

→ rotating parts of your character – to make it happen

→ Naturally

gaining an erection visible under clothes partly obscured by text
animated image to show the harpercapabilty training for tumescence force

A Force Within

Gained through the power of Penis Worship Audios will give you an inner Male Strength which is vital for locating where your switching mechanism is.

animated image zooming in on ind and then out to erect penis on naked coach - obscured by lens flare but erection shadow still visible to represent mind control over erection

1:1 Coaching

Guides you to find your switch – to increase blood flow to your penis.

champagne bottle substituting for penis with fizz on a naked torso picture of erection coach
Celebrate Hard

A Profound Capability

You’ve foubd the swich, know how to operate it – now it’s time to Celebrate Hard, in a variety of ways.

Rotate Your Character to Increase VirilityIn Action → → Join & Use The Online Coaching → → → Contact

Rise Up Higher

Age does not have to control your body response or your mindset.

I can give you the tools: to take control of Your body reaction, response with a depth and intensity of feeling.

Increase Tumescence

Increase Control

Increased Fulfilment

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