erect penis showing flow of colour into it - to represent training inputs including the metaphysical for erection mastery

Your Virility Matters!

→ That is what I can do for you – instead of rotating your name I rotate one part of your character to get control of your physical body then go full circle and affect the deeper virile you.

I am Coach Harper – personally training you….

…to Gain Control over your penis, your tumescence for fulfilment to enrich all areas of your personal & professional life,

Rise Up High, on Demand

Coaching for ultimate control, strength & confidence

Overcome ED

Coaching in physical and psychological to overcome a whole range of erection issues – drawing upon my medical background as required – with a hint of something else, as you may require for greater fulfilment.

man in a field with trousers pulled down - so smiling excitedly but with text covering his penis


Coaching for how you feel as a man, maybe it all starts and possibly ends with your penis.. or does it? Have you ever really been totally uninhibited and proud of your Male Identity?

naked man staring in disbelief at his erect penis (obscured) as he gestures to express sheer euphoric pleasure
Use the Porn Tool to elevate masturbation to Great Meaningful & healthy Self Sex

Porn Management

No need to exclude porn – it can be used to elevate masturbation to healthy, Meaningful Self Sex

….where individuality allows you to progress from purely the physical ……and into the Metaphysical*

*The term metaphysical is used here to include anything in your life that has an inwardly energetic and invisible quality, that with practice turns into something you can connect to.

Coaching You – Naturally

coach harper standing next to nearly naked man in the Vitruvian man style
1:1 training with Coach Harper

1:1 Coaching

This is a personal service – I am your personal coach – a format that works.

Researched & Endorsed

Two decades of providing Online Video Courses and support condensed into personal sessions for you.

Harder Erection Video Guide Index photo - partly obscured

Personal Support

→ Your daily training practice may be physical, psychological or sexual. I’ll inspire you to add some pizazz into it.

I want you to enjoy whatever training I set you.

You’ll have my number for communication over discreet Signal App

So tell me about your day and I’ll tell you how to add some great training into it, that will nourish your mind, body and a bit more.

man unbuttoned jeans gesturing with hand

Giving You Strength

This is a personal service – I am your personal coach.

→This means it is useful for me to understand you and your life, as sometimes this bigger picture is the key to gaining all that you want or overcoming Erectile Dysfunction.

I help Men build the Virility control of their dreams.

I can help YOU do the same.

What does virility mean to you – a feeling deep inside that stays with you all day to give you that added something extra….

…..or simply to Gain the tumescence control (or other control) you want – whenever you want?

All you have to do is tell me what You do want.

man in a field with trousers pulled down - so smiling excitedly but with text covering his penis
Tell me what you want to be coached to gain.
Naked man with light flare in mind and lens flare covering genitals
naked man sitting with erection pointing up partly obscured with light glow, but head of penis just visible poking out

What is The Harper Capability?

animated image to show the harpercapabilty training for tumescence force

A Force Within

Deep inside the depths of your mind and body is an innate force that you will have – to keep you strong.

Harder Member with Harper

Healthy Erecting

The ability to gain tumescence, through an increased range of inputs with a greater variety of exciting outcomes.

champagne bottle substituting for penis with fizz on a naked torso picture of erection coach

A Profound Capability

Once you have mastered the Harper Capability you will feel different – knowing just what you are now capable of.

Where to now?

More Info (in text) – Rotate 1 part of your character to Increase Virility

More Info (video) – Faith in My Ability to Coach Your Penis Harder

→In Action – Naked Natural & Unadulterated – Images → → Videos

→ The Erection Coaching Index

erect penis showing flow of colour into it - to represent training inputs including the metaphysical for erection mastery
feel your penis grow and erect itself with HarperCapability
man in a field with trousers pulled down - so smiling excitedly but with text covering his penis
Ask me anything you want?

Rise Up Higher

Age does not have to control your body response or your mindset.

I can give you the tools: to take control of Your body reaction, response with a depth and intensity of feeling.

Increase Tumescence

Increase Control

Increased Fulfilment

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