man in a field with trousers pulled down - so smiling excitedly but with text covering his penis

I use the picture above of myself as an example – just one of 100’s of ways to ‘tune in’ to the innate force within you, sometimes in a profound and meaningful way, but sometimes in fun way. Here a naked run or part naked run can do the trick for me as it makes me feel alive on many levels. This is just one of a few ways that I ‘tune in”, I can perhaps tell you a bit more about the others – once I know you more.

We need to find your equivalent? It may be totally non sexual or perhaps involve a touch of naturism or nature on some level, or perhaps a full on maleness/sexualness – all three can work wonders for the deeper you and ultimately great for your penis.

Ask Coach Harper

Open communication is key to gaining virility control and performance,

→ email me:

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coach harper

Inspirational Coaching

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Wonder how you will ‘tune in?

animated image to show the harpercapabilty training for tumescence force

Ready to find what makes your penis tick…

You are individual – no one else is quite like you: physically, psychologically and perhaps spiritually – in a non religious sense – the innate force within you.

All of the many individualities you have influence, feed and drive your Virility.

Train smart

No wasting valuable energy and inspiration doing the wrong things. I coach you 1:1

Training Type. 96 different training aspects are involved in the Harper Capability → you may need just one or twenty one.

Training Method. You and your penis are so individual, no one else is quite like you – so we then need to find out what will make you train with the spirituality factor or by using that powerful innate force within.

Training Drive What will your training driver be? Your ultimate goal to keep in mind at all times – to ensure you make good choices for your penis

Training Excitement The image at top of page shows just one of the ways that I ensure my training is exciting. I have many, but this is the only picture I can perhaps tastefully show.

Ready to Start?

Just tell me…

All about becoming a Member

Innate urges within us are so strong, that if any part of our virility is reduced, fulfilment in our wider life is reduced.

Coach Harper 2024 (

That is why I coach you on a 1:1 basis in all steps of the Harper Capability – to attain the Virility you desire.

Personal 1:1 Coaching is the Way

The last 15 years of being the has proven what works. As the I pioneered face to face virility coaching, which then reached a wider audience with my online self service video course – enabling men all over the world to either restore their virility or maximise their potential. Along the way 1:1 sessions were offered. This led to the Harper Capability – a step by step personal mind- body and spiritual improvement program to increase or reset virility to gain fulfilment in life.

The Harper Capability has been proven to help more men than any other intervention restore or increase their virility, and rise up higher – plus it’s all natural.

Why Audios, Videos and 1:1 Coaching sessions by Video call or In Person.

Because it works. Reviews are here.

It’s proven efficacy means I am 100% passionate and committed to the the p in the word harper rotates 180 degrees to become a d and therefore now reads harderCapability and so this is where I put all of my knowledge, expertise and force.

Which Aspects of Harper Capability will benefit your virility?

– The Penis Worship Audios cover all bases and so is simply the most powerful and efficient way to start. Using the Harder Erection Video guide for some fun – and then as soon as you have an overview and are ready to get serious – the 1:1 messaging and video calls (or face to face) almost supercharge your training.

Don’t let anything diminish your virility

Ask Coach Harper how you can fight back with the naturally powerful Capability.

Man to Man Penis Bonding/Talk – A penisBuddy

…can for some be a valuable part of the coaching

Once you’re a member, you’ll have my number for communication on the safely discreet (free to download) Messaging App: Signal) where you can talk to me openly about any aspect of your male identity, physical or psychological. The app also allows you to send video and image should this be easier for you.

glimpses of erect penis in animated image to represent the energy I aim to create for you in the 1:1 coaching

Previous Membership – Video Call Member video and audio:

Daily Workout:Daily Workout for Mind and Penis Audio Guide

Full Range of Motion for Your Penis Muscle

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