Erections Improved Online Naturally

The Harper/Harder Capability gives you:

champagne bottle substituting for penis with fizz on a naked torso picture of erection coach
The Good Health Erection with the Harper Capability
  • extra penis awareness/energy
  • the Health Erection Capability
  • Harder Erections – Throbbing?
  • ejaculation management
  • sexual fulfilment
  • The Ultimate Male Identity to enrich wider personal and professional life

Penis awareness

you may well be very aware of your penis, this element is to ensure your penis awareness is available to you at any given time, in any given situation with maximum force into your mind.

Health Erection

To gain an Erection, in absence of sexual arousal or physical stimulation.

Coach Harper

Health Erection – defined

Warning this page contains naturalistic nudity and a healthy male response, in absence of sexual arousal.

naked man sitting with erection pointing up partly obscured with light glow, but head of penis just visible poking outThe Good Health Erection, Achieved from:

Penis Worship Sessions where you slip into the ERECTIONS.IO Vibe, with supplementary HARDer Erection Video Guide – PLUS ME! (personal support in a 1:1 Video Call and ongoing email/text chat)

an erect penis annotated to show energyHarder Erections – Throbbing?

Health Erection, great for:

How you feel as a Man, Confidence, Male Health – especially good for Overcoming Psychological Aspects of ED.

The Good Health Erection (with no sexual arouasal)

Sexual Arousal is not needed to attain an erection as I show you here, it is a state of mind and body…

text and animated image of erect penis to show innate male force
1:1 Coaching with the Harder/HarperCapability gives you tumescence power & control
penis obscured as an erection on demand is evident due to watching the shadow.
Click for un-obscured video

Knowing an erection can be purely a function of the healthy male body – under your control will take the pressure off you in any future sexual situations, as you’ll always have the health Erection to fall back on.

I coach you to attain the Health Erection – to gain control over your penis with no sexual arousal, – purely through a state of mind and body. This gives an inner confidence and possibly an attitude that helps with both personal and professional life.

Ejaculation Management – optional

video fronts of Erection Trainer's videos on YouTubefrom start to finish. Videos in the Harder Erection Video Guide lead you through the process. However if you really want to concentrate upon this module – there are supplementary videos available upon request, (for the open minded).

Sexual Fulfilment

??? What ever aspects you want to discuss – if it’s legal I will. It all starts with a mindset.

The Penis Worship Audio sessions may be something that will help you initially – with some penis talk / communication / interaction – to then take this one step further in your 1:1 Coaching Video Call.


heat map of erect penis in jeansThe Ultimate Male Identity to enrich wider personal and professional life

Gaining the Harper Capability will give you a profound confidence that spills into all areas of your life – you can slip into the ERECTIONS Vibe (learnt through your penis worship sessions) in both sexual and non sexual situations. You will be in touch with Your Male Identity for an inner confidence or a sexual confidence as you require at any given time.

Old Video Call Member video and audio:

Daily Workout:Daily Workout for Mind and Penis Audio Guide

Full Range of Motion for Your Penis Muscle

animated text changinging from Harper to Harder
harder with Harper!
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