Defy Decline, Raise Your Testosterone Level Naturally

Your mindset is key to stabilisng and increasing testosterone levels. Testosterone production is directly and indirectly affected by your Lifestyle, your beliefs and attitudes. Change any one of these and Your Virility will leap!

Negatives & positives of Aging are also affected by Lifestyle and attitudes – so to say a testosterone decline is inevitable with age is in my experience not right – we should instead look at our lifestyle, attitudes and beliefs – our Mindset as I explain in this quick audio clip…

I rotate a characterthe letter p in Harper rotates to read Harder in my name to explain how I can guide you to tweak your character for Testosterone.

Evidence of this – in video at bottom of page.

It all starts with your mind.

Lifestyle: what you do and how often – can be classified as good or bad for testosterone levels and it is all governed by Your Mind / mindset man with hands either side of head as if to say it's all in the mind

Therefore directly and indirectly there is a case that your mind can get control of your testosterone levels and in doing so – defy any decline in Virility.

Also remember what I say about Brain Health….Within the brain lies The pituitary gland – busy controlling testosterone production, which is directly and indirectly affected by Lifestyle measures, your beliefs and attitudes.

Testosterone like erections is a simply complex thing involving an interplay of various body systems – and giving attention to some or all of your body systems will undoubtedly cause your testosterone levels to rise – which will go on to cause a similar effect in your penis.


Yes I am obsessed with my erection and since nearly losing it – now I have regained it I truly appreciate it and never take my penis for granted. It could be said I have a good relationship with my penis, but also I am obsessed with delaying the aging process and remaining as youthful as possible – for as long as possible which involves control my testosterone levels through a variety of means. We are all individual – I use the methods which I know work for me, but with so many to choose from a quick assessment will enable me to give you your own testosterone boosting routine. A daily routine for anything between 2 and 10 minutes (or occasionally requiring 30 minutes weekly).


There is evidence to back up all my methods, all evidence based – developed by combining the practical male sexual knowledge I know to be true from my work as the Erection Coach and with my Erection Students participating in various studies – all underpinned by physiological studies.

Mindset Takes Time to Evolve

…the physical can kick in sooner

Here in this video I show you how you can naturally boost your testosterone using phsical means – whilst you bolster your Male Identity Mindset to ensure long term Testosterone stability.

Please note: this is where you are heading – don’t expect an erection – I’m just showing you this, so as to demonstrate that we can fight the decline. This is me in my 50’s – using the Capability to boost and use my testosterone for my sexual adventures.

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→ can access many more, Naked, Natural & Unobscured Erection Coaching videos at HARDer Erection Video Guide

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